Liang Shaoji – The Allure of Matter
Liang Shaoji – The Allure of Matter
Agnes Questionmark, CHM13hTERT, Lancetti railway station, Milan, 2023
Agnes Questionmark, CHM13hTERT, Lancetti railway station, Milan, 2023
Catinca Malaimare at the Zabludowicz Collection
Catinca Malaimare at the Zabludowicz Collection
Jenny Holzer, Truisms
Jenny Holzer, Truisms
Anna Uddenberg, Useless Sacrifice (film still), 2023
Anna Uddenberg, Useless Sacrifice (film still), 2023
Personal notes from research
Personal notes from research
Timothy Morton: Ecology Without Nature
Timothy Morton: Ecology Without Nature
a changing collection of interests, inspirations and snippets of theory